非公式翻訳:eBPF Superpowers (CNDT2022 Keynote)

CloudNative Days Committee
33 min readNov 22, 2022


CloudNative Days Tokyo 2022 Day2が開幕しました。本日のキーノート枠では、Isovalent社のTechnical Community AdvocateであるTracy P Holmes氏から、クラウドネイティブな世界におけるeBPFの強力さについてお話いただきます。



翻訳・編集:Yoshiki Fujiwara @antiberial, Kohei Ota @_inductor_, Hayakawa Yutaro @YutaroHayakawa, Masato Nabeshima @nabemasat

Cloud Native BPF Superpowers with eBPF

Tracy P Holmes

Technical Community Advocate, Isovalent

Hi, my name is Tracy P Holmes. l am a technical community advocate at Isovalent. We’re the company behind the Cilium Networking Project, which you may have come across. It brings the power of eBPF to Kubernetes networking. And I’m here today to talk about eBPF and why you’re most likely going to be using more and more eBPF-based tooling in the near future. So let me start by talking about what it is.

私はIsovalentのテクニカルコミュニティアドボケイトを務めています。皆さんも目にしたことがあるかもしれませんが、私たちはCilium Networking Projectを運営している会社です。これはeBPFのパワーをKubernetesネットワーキングにもたらすプロジェクトです。今日ここに来たのは、eBPFについて、そしてなぜ近い将来「ますます多くのeBPFベースのツールを使うことになるのか」についてお話しするためです。それでは、まずeBPFとは何かということからお話ししましょう。

What is eBPF?

Convention and tradition dictates we must spell out an acronym. So in this case, eBPF stands for extended Berkeley Packet Filter. And while we could go into the history of why it’s called that, it’s honestly not important, nor very important for what we’re talking about today. However, it is helpful and more important to know what eBPF does. And what is that?

私たちは慣習と伝統によって、略語の使用を強いられています。ここでは、eBPFとはextended Berkeley Packet Filterを略したものです。なぜそう呼ばれているのか歴史を紐解いていくこともできますが、正直なところ、今日話す内容にとってはそんなに重要ではありません。eBPF の機能を理解することこそが、有益でより重要なことなのです。それではeBPFとは何でしょうか?

Well, eBPF makes the kernel programmable. You can write programs and have them run in the kernel without having to write a kernel module. And you can load those programs into the kernel dynamically as you need them. Now, as some of you may or may not know, we typically write application code in userspaces.


Run custom code in the kernel

eBPF enabled apps have a userspace part that can load eBPF programs into the kernel.

Each program is triggered by some kind of event. It can be that a network packet arrives or that an application calls a syscall or the kernel hits a particular trace point. Whenever that event is hit, if there’s an eBPF program associated with that event, it gets run.


Dynamically change kernel behavior

Let’s talk about dynamically changing kernel behavior. So we can load custom programs into the kernel and attach them to events so that the program gets run whenever that event occurs. And you will hear me say that more than once, so just warning you in advance.


So here we have an application developer that wants to make a kernel change of some type. So here’s what you need to know. Kernel changes can be really hard to do. They can take a long time or both. First of all, the community has to agree on even wanting to make the change. Then you have to write the code, which can definitely be difficult to do. And even when it does reach the upstream kernel, it may be years before you see it in your favorite Linux distributions.


Think about some of the kernel releases that you all are working with just as a thought. However, this is one of the reasons you’re hearing more about eBPF. Most distributions support it, and with it you can make kernel modifications instantly. Write in an eBFP program, load it, and now we dynamically change the machine behavior without even having to reboot the machine. I am going to say that again because I think this is one of the most amazing things. Write an eBPF program, load it. And now we’ve dynamically changed the machine behavior. And you didn’t even have to reboot the machine.

This is especially useful if you want to mitigate a kernel vulnerability.


eBPF code has to be safe

All right. So it’s important to know that the eBPF Code has to be safe. eBPF programs run in the kernel, so they have to be safe to run. They must not crash, and they must not loop definitely. To ensure this, there are some rules about what you can and can’t do in an eBPF program, and there’s a verification step that checks that the eBPF Code meets those requirements.

For example, an eBPF program must check that a pointer is non null before it tries to dereference it. If you don’t check that the pointer is non null your eBPF code will be rejected. For security reasons, there are also rules about what memory a given eBPF program is allowed to access. Because of these rules, people sometimes describe eBPF Programs as being sandboxed, and that is true. But for those of us in the container world, it’s also a bit confusing and potentially misleading. It’s not the same as this. It’s not the same kind of sandboxing as containers. eBPF is not a replacement for containers. So let’s have a look at what it means to be able to run eBPF programs in a Kubernetes environment.


Programmable kernel in Kubernetes

So we can load custom programs into the kernel and attach them to events. So that the program gets run whenever that event occurs. Most of what I’m about to say is applicable to environments running multiple applications, but as an example, let’s turn to what that means in a Kubernetes environment.


One kernel per host

In Kubernetes, our applications are running as containers inside pods, but there is only one kernel per host. Every container shares the same kernel. There’s one kernel on a virtual machine, and it’s shared by all of the processes and all containers.

Whenever an application wants to do pretty much anything like read or write to a file or make a network request, it can’t talk directly to hardware. So it has to ask the kernel to do that on its behalf. There’s one kernel and it’s handling work like this for all applications. In fact, there’s not a lot that userspace applications can do without the assistance of the kernel.

Maybe do a little bit of basic math, but the kernel is going to get involved whenever anything interesting happens. If you want to create a new container, guess what? That also needs help from the kernel.


Kernel aware of everything on the host

So the kernel is aware of everything that’s happening and all of the processes and all the containers on the host. And it has access to information about all of these processes stored in kernel data structures.


eBFP programs can be aware of everything

So if we attach eBPF programs to the right events in the kernel, they can be aware of all of the interesting things that are happening too. And we can write userspace code to communicate with these programs and bring this information together in ways that are really useful for observability and security. We can even redirect or drop network packets from inside eBFP, and that’s the basis of Cilium networking.


eBPF apps have a view across the entire node

eBPF apps have a view across the entire node enabling deep observability. So what we’re going to do next, is you’re going to see a couple of examples of observability tools being built around eBPF.


Cilium Hubble observability

Now this is network observability using a component of Cilium called Hubble. I like to make an inside joke with myself that they need to update Hubble to the new telescope name. Anyway, Cilium is connecting components together or networking, and Hubble allows us to observe networking, network packets as they flow through that network. We can see individual packets. We can generate events that go to Prometheus, then travel to Grafana, and that allows us to see things like latency or the number of packets that get dropped or any number of wonderful bits of data. And we can collect it very efficiently because we use eBPF to do it.

これはHubbleと呼ばれるCiliumのコンポーネントを使用したネットワーク可観測性ツールです。『「ハッブル」を新しい望遠鏡の名前(※訳註 ジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡)に変える必要があるんじゃない?』と、内輪でジョークを言うのが好きです。それはさておき、Ciliumはコンポーネントを相互に接続すること、つまりネットワーキングを行っており、Hubbleを使用すると、ネットワーキングやネットワークパケットがそのネットワークを流れる様子を観察できます。個々のパケットを調べることもできます。Prometheusに送信するイベントを生成できるので、Grafanaを見れば、遅延やドロップされたパケットの数、その他のあらゆるデータを確認できます。Prometheus に移動してから Grafana に移動するイベントを生成できます。その結果、遅延やドロップされたパケットの数、その他のあらゆるデータを確認できます。またeBPFを使用しているため、とても効率的にデータを収集できます。

PIXIE flame graph

Another example is Pixie. It’s also a CNCF project and they have a ton of different tools and ways of measuring all kinds of metrics across clusters. This is a flame graph and many of us have seen one showing how the CPU is being used. The difference, however, this particular frame graph is collecting CPU usage across an entire cluster and then aggregating in it. And I think that is really, really cool.


eBPF tools have a view across the entire node enabling network efficiency

The project that I mentioned earlier, Cilium uses eBPF to create a more efficient network.

All right, so this pretty full diagram shows how container networking traditionally works in Kubernetes. We use namespaces to isolate our pods one from another. Typically, a pod is created with its own network namespace, which means it has its own TCP/IP stack and it’s connected to the host network using a virtual ethernet pair.This means the kernel is running a networking stack for every pod, so whenever a packet arrives or leaves a pod, it has to traverse two network stacks on the same machine: ones on the host, the other is inside the pod and the two are isolated from each other. With an eBPF-based networking solution, we can be much more efficient. We can replace a lot of the host networking stack with a more straightforward implementation and eBPF.


First of all, we can hook eBPF Code into events that are triggered as close as possible. So when a packet arrives at the physical network card, this is called XDP or Express Data Path, we can see the destination IP address and map that straight to the endpoint that happens to be in the pod. And we can send the packet straight to the pod’s virtual ethernet interface where it can be handled by the pod’s network stack.

まず、eBPFコードを物理ネットワークカードに非常に近い場所でトリガーされるイベントにフックできます。これはXDP(eXpress Data Path)と呼ばれており、そこから宛先IPアドレスを直接Podに紐づけることができます。そして、パケットを(※訳註 ホスト側ではなく)Pod側の仮想インターフェースに直接送信して、Pod側のネットワークスタックに処理させることができます。

Cilium eBPF (receive path)

Here’s another flame graph. We can even take a look at this in this particular flame graph. Here we can see what’s happening when a packet arrives. It spends a bit of time being handled by eBPF Code and then it arrives in the pods TCP/ IP stack and from there into the socket code where it eventually gets read by the receiving application.


TCP RR (higher is better)

This efficiency makes eBPF-based networking significantly faster than solutions based on IP tables. Not terribly long ago we performed, we, Isovalent. Hi! A whole bunch of benchmarking tests. You can find all the results in analysis on the Cilium blog, but the main takeaway is this: With eBPF, we can do container networking almost as fast as host to host networking. On the screen is a graph of round trip requests response throughput.The blue bar is host to host networking so the sender and receiver are running directly on a host machine. The other bars are all container networking. The red and orange are Cilim and Calico in eBPF mode. The yellow and green have eBPF turned off, so the packets are going through the host and container networking stacks. So you can really see how much faster eBPF is.

All of the above numbers that you see on the screen, including more recent updated numbers, have been published in the CNI Performance Benchmarks section of the Cilium documentation, and it’s continually updated. So when you go to the site to see this particular benchmark, you will see that it’s filed in the latest.

このような効率性により、eBPFベースのネットワーキングは、IPテーブルに基づくソリューションよりも大幅に高速になります。少し前に、私たちIsovalentは大量のベンチマークテストを実施しました。完全な結果はCiliumブログの分析レポートで確認できますが、主要な結論は「eBPFを使用することで、ホスト間ネットワークとほぼ同じ速度でコンテナネットワークを実行できる」ということです。今お見せしているのは、往復リクエスト応答スループットのグラフです。青色のバーはホスト間のネットワークで、送信側と受信側はホストマシン上で直接実行されています。他のバーはすべてコンテナネットワークです。赤色とオレンジ色のバーは eBPFモードのCilimとCalicoです。黄色と緑色のバーではeBPFがオフになっているため、パケットはホストとコンテナのネットワークスタックを通過しています。これらの結果を通して、eBPFがどれほど高速であるかお分かり頂けるでしょう。


eBPF tools have a view across the entire node without any app or config changes

eBPF tools have a view across the entire node.The good thing about this is you don’t have to change anything about your applications. You don’t have to reconfigure anything.


A sidecar has a view across one pod. Sidecars need yaml. But what if yaml is misconfigured? By using eBPF, you don’t need any app changes. eBPF can see all activity on the node.


eBPF enables powerful Cloud Native tools

And lastly, eBPF enables powerful cloud native tools.

There are quite a few tools and open source projects available today that are leveraging the power of eBPF to get networking, observability and security information in Kubernetes. I’d like to mention a few. So one is Falco, which is a CNCF project that can alert you when a malicious or suspicious event occurs.

Tracee from Aqua Security, which is similar to Falco, but with a lighter weight approach, it lets you define security events in O/P/A or OPA. I also like this particular one because my name is Tracy.

Cilium, which we mentioned earlier is a Kubernetes networking plugin kind of on steroids. New Relic’s Pixie, which was also mentioned earlier, remember that flame graph? It not too long ago got open sourced and applied to join the CNCF as an observability tool.




Aqua SecurityのTraceeはFalcoに似ていますが、より軽量なアプローチで、セキュリティイベントをOPAで定義できます。私の名前が(※訳註 同じ読み方の)Tracyであることも、お気に入りの理由です。


同じく先ほどご紹介したNew RelicのPixieですが、あのフレームグラフを覚えていますか?少し前にオープンソース化され、可観測性ツールとしてCNCFへの参加申請が行われました。

Thank you

Anyway, I hope that’s giving you an overview of why eBPF is so powerful and how it’s enabling the creation of some really powerful tools. That said, if you want to learn more about eBPF, there’s a community website at ebpf.io that has tons of information. And if you’d like to learn more about the Cilium project, please come and see us at cilium.io or on our Slack channel at slack.cilium.io. Thanks.




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